Minggu, 31 Januari 2016


The mayor of Bandung was elected, Ridwan Kamil admits busy attending the invitation communities to receive advice and input. When in the house of any Kang Emil firman, busy receiving guests.
On the sidelines of the addition, Kang Emil willing to reveal the program that will be implemented for five years, both short, medium and long-term, to journalist

Jounalist : Ahead of the inauguration event solid instead?
Ridwan Kamil: Yes, because many requests from the community wants to meet. So my obligation to meet heard complaints and input from the host.

Jounalist What the results of the meeting with the citizens of?
Ridwan Kamil: The results of the meeting directly no inputs 60 percent and complaints 40 percent. But if the communication through social media many complaints 70 percent and input 30 percent.

Jounalist : What are the complaints and input that you receive?
Ridwan Kamil: Complaints in some way damaged, crunch, flood, and public services that are slow and expensive.

Jounalist : What is the priority and the initial step after appointed to become the mayor of?
Ridwan Kamil: There are three things I will do for the short, medium and long term. For the short term fix of public service during this slow and expensive that many complaints, including experienced by the i. For the medium term, improve the way that it takes two years to smoothly so that the community must be patient. While the long term build transportation that does not get stuck.

Jounalist : How tactical steps to realize your programs?
Ridwan Kamil: Build the city of Bandung cannot alone, but must work together to the government and the community. As the mayor, I have a lot to hear and open communication with all communities and experts.

Jounalist : There will be a change of service or change the officials that are less productive?
Ridwan Kamil: The services to the public must be quickly, cheap friendly, and good, therefore the services start from the level of kelurahan must be changed to better how to dress or services in order to comfortable citizens and are happy to get the ministry. The ministry in kelurahan must like bank. Fast and tidy.

Jounalist : Turnover?
Ridwan Kamil:  The taste must provide the opportunity to the first currently serves. I will gather all the civil servants in the Sabuga to lc. I will invite all civil servants to work with good and reach the target. Nah, public officials should be able to achieve the target that I ask. If not able to replace them with capable, and want to work.

Jounalist : Other Program?
Ridwan Kamil: I will be launching the program Citizen Passport online. So all citizens can report and photographs. Citizen complaints should be responded by related agency quickly.

Jounalist : What is done after the appointed in 100 days?
Ridwan KamilThere is a program that can be done in the last three months, there is that the medium and long term. Indeed many public expectations. But we ask the media to convey that no expectation that completed the period of three months remaining in 2013 as short term, there is done in the medium term, and there is a long-term. That quickly so that the discipline. Next week any movement in the discipline by involving the police and the TNI, for example, as one of the short-term program for uncontrollable morning and the violations occurred in the streets. For example also the lights are lit again. Improve the way crunch as the long-term programs.

Jounalist : Including smart city?
Ridwan Kamil: Yes, smart city as short term in its application, but any part of the long term with complete all the information. For example, to can request information up angkot where, stay click only in the application. Later the application will give information. I will ask the smart people in Bandung to improve the information.

Jounalist : The road is damaged most many complaints. Can smoothly when?
Ridwan Kamil: The roads in the city of Bandung many damaged so that it will take time but the target in two years is smoothly because it would be pursued in addition to the budget funds also from other sources of third party.
How to realize the campaign promise, especially fund of Rp 100 million to RW every year?
Fund of Rp 100 million to RW course must be clearly the allocation with a proposal. The funds could not be apples were given directly to the RW because there is the procedure is through the related agency. For example, if to wake up the road, funds exist in Binamarga and others. Fund of Rp 100 million not grants. So also to wake up the garden is clearly in Dinas Landscaping. Education assistance, health, and the other is in the district of each. Wellspring desentralized ministry to RW-RW.

Jounalist : How Kang Emil maintain harmonization with Vice Mayor?
Ridwan Kamil: In every decision, I always consult with Pak Oded. So there are no secret of rahasiaan. And with the work of the house that so many, I need the help of the division of the task so that we can be harmonious until the end of the kingship.

Jounalist : How the response of the wife after Kang Emil selected?

Ridwan Kamil: My wife nervous immediately, as I, because we kan never do this. So we remain prepared mentally and tried to maintain it so that remains the mandate until the end of the period of the kingship.

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